Entry through the front facing external door into the warm and welcoming entrance hallway. Featuring partially laminate flooring and carpeted flooring, gas central heating radiator and a storage cupboard housing the boiler. A carpeted staircase rises to the first floor.
A bright and airy kitchen and dining space featuring a good range of fitted wall and base units with contrasting worktops over incorporating a stainless steel sink and drainer with chrome mixer tap. Further benefiting from three storage cupboards, a fridge/freezer, washing machine, cooker, tiled splash-backs, cushioned flooring, gas central heating radiator and a front facing UPVC double glazed window.
A good sized reception room featuring laminate flooring, a large rear facing UPVC double glazed window, decorative coving to the ceiling and a gas central heating radiator.
A carpeted landing providing access to all first floor accommodation, featuring a gas central heating radiator.
A good sized double bedroom boasting laminate flooring, a large rear facing UPVC double glazed window, gas central heating radiator and a range of fitted wardrobes.
A well presented double bedroom featuring laminate flooring, gas central heating radiator and a large front facing UPVC double glazed window. Also having additional fitted storage.
Featuring a white three piece suite comprising low flush WC, bath with off-the-taps shower and a pedestal wash basin. Also benefiting from cushioned flooring, tiled splash-backs, gas central heating radiator, storage cabinets and a front facing obscured UPVC double glazed window.